AllSoft Technologies - Tool Manager Basic Usage


Start Tool Manager and go to the INVOICE Tab.

Select a Topic below for more information:

Add New Shop (Company).

Click on the COMPANIES Tab.

Click the CLEAR button.

In the top right, type a company name.

In the bottom right, place a number for the day you will visit this company.

It is best to use a large number such as military time (1400 = 2PM),

so future shops can be placed before or after this visit time.

Click the SAVE NEW COMPANY button.

Say YES to CREATE SHOP ACCOUNT, which brings you to the CUSTOMERS screen.

On the CUSTOMERS screen, click the SAVE NEW CUSTOMER button.

Optionally enter a start TP/OA balance and click OK and YES.

Add New Customer.

Click on the CUSTOMERS Tab.

Click the CLEAR button.

If Necessary, in the top  center, drop-down the Tax Rate and change the Tax Zone.

If Necessary, on the top right, drop-down the Company List and change it.

Enter a Last and then First Name.

Optionally add Address, Phone, and Email and Other items on the screen.

Click the SAVE NEW CUSTOMER button.

Optionally enter a start TP/OA Balance and click OK and YES.

Create Invoice with Optional Payment.

On the top of the Invoice Tab screen, click on the Day tab such as Mon.

Below this click on the arrow to expose a list of all Shops for this day.

Highlight a shop, which will display a list of all customers at this Shop.

Double mouse-click to open a new Invoice.

On the Invoice screen, start typing or (barcode scan) to locate a part-number to add to the sale.
You can start the part-number with * for a wildcard search.  Then click Find.

Highlight a part-number and click the ADD button.

Change the Quantity or Price then click the CHANGE button.

You can optionally set an item that you added to Needslist by clicking the TYPES dropdown menu located in the center of the screen.

Optionally click on the bottom the NEW PAYMENT button.

See the Payment Screen section in this document for details.

Click SAVE & PRINT to view the invoice.

A screen will appear called the Report Viewer.

Here you can print to a Printer, Email, or Text.

Use the Send Message button to send a Text summary.

Payment Screen.

Change the highlighted $0.00 to the amount you want to charge.

Change the Payment Method using the drop-down in the bottom center.

Optionally, at the top center, you can change the date to a future date if you want to process the customer's credit-card later.

Click the SAVE PAYMENT button.


Click the REPORTS Tab.

Report C

Select a date range and then click options.

Report E

You can optionally perform Daily close-outs where item 7 performs the closeout.

Optionally do a Cash Drawer close-outs, which is item 5 on the Report-E menu.

Closeouts should be the last action of your day because the next close data will start tracking after midnight.

Report F

You can optionally perform Weekly close outs where item 5 performs the closeout.

Report J

Create a Sales Tax report by setting a date-range.

Chose Invoice if you pay sale-tax on what you sell.

Chose Payment if you pay sale-tax on what you collect.

Backup Data.

Select the OPTIONS tab then item A.

The top button will backup to a local disk backup such as a Flash Drive.

The next button will backup to the Cloud.  Ensure you have a good Internet connection.


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